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National Junior Honor Society

Membership to Mercy's National Junior Honor Society is an earned recognition and a privilege for participating students.  NJHS students are the leaders of the Mercy school community.  As such, members are expected to maintain high standards of involvement, academic achievement, and behavior. 

Application Timing
7th and 8th grade students may apply at the end of quarter 1.  Their eligibility will be based on quarters 2-4 of the previous school year, and quarter 1 of the current school year.  Induction will occur in the late fall.  6th graders may apply at the end of quarter 3 (7th and 8th graders may also apply at this time).  Their eligibility will be based on quarter 4 of the previous school year, and quarters 1-3 of the current school year.  Induction will occur in the spring.  Students must have been enrolled at OLOM for 4 quarters prior to application.

Academic Requirements
To apply for NJHS, students must have a 94% or above cumulative average of all letter grade classes.  This average will NOT be rounded.  For specialty subjects, students must receive Pass or E for all subjects.  Additionally, there can be no C’s in any quarter.

Conduct Requirements
Students must have no detentions in any of the 4 quarters being considered.  Student members who earn a D in any subject area will be placed on temporary leave until the grade increases to at least a C.  Any student member earning three detentions will be placed on probation; a fourth detention or suspension will result in immediate removal. After two months of positive behavior with no infraction, a student may request a review by faculty for re-instatement.