Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is Mass celebrated?
    Students (K-8) attend Mass on Wednesdays. Upper school students are matched with lower school prayer partners and host the Mass on a monthly basis.
    Priests visit classrooms and teach religion classes in Grades 5-8.
    Outreach or service projects are held throughout the academic year.

    How often do the students have extra subjects?

    Students enjoy music, Spanish, art, PE, library, and technology (schedule may vary)
    Music:  PreK 3 & 4 1X/week; Grades K-4 2X/week; Gr 5-8(1 X/week)
    Choir:   Grades 3-8, Wednesday before Mass, Tuesdays after school
    Band:  Grades 4-8, beginner thru advanced, Wednesdays
    Art:  PreK 4- Grade 8 1X/week
    Technology:  PreK 3 - Grade 5 1X/week
    Library:  PreK 3 - Grade 4 1X/week
    PE:  PreK 3 1X/week; PreK 4 - Grade 4 2x/week; Grade 5-6 3X/week; Grade 7-8 2X/week
    Spanish:  PreK 3 - Grade 3 1X/week; Grades 4-6 2X/week; Grades 7-8 3X/week
    Electives:  Grades 7-8 1X/week
    STEM:  K-Grade 5 1X/week
    Science Adventure:  PreK 4 TBD

    What extracurricular activities are available for the children?
    Drama Club (6-8); Chess Club(K-6); Yearbook (5-8); Mercy Leadership Team (7-8); Art and Science Educational Extension Program (various K-6); Art Studio (PreK 4-8); Altar Servers (5-8); Band (4-8); Choir (3-8); TV Broadcasting (7-8); Patrols(7); Student Council (5-8), Robotics (varies), NJHS (7-8)

    How many children are in the school?

    How large are the classes?
    Reading and Math classes meet in small groups every day (average 6-11 students in K-3; 12-14 students in 4-8). Best of both worlds: to have small groups for academic instruction but a larger group for social interaction. Grouping allows for differentiated instruction and individual attention.

    Do any of the teachers have advanced degrees?
    About 75% of our faculty hold a master’s degree

    How long is the school day?
    8:00 am – 3:00 pm.  Doors open at 7:30 am. After care is available until 6:00 pm.

    What are the Pre-K hours?
    Pre-K 4 hours are from 8:15 – 2:45
    There is also a half day option from 8:15 – 12:00
    Pre- K 3 8:15-12:00; full day w permission

    How many recesses do students have?
    K-5 has 15 minute morning recess and 20 minute lunch recess; grades 6-8 has 10 minute break in morning and 20 minute lunch recess

    What CYO sports does the parish sponsor?
    Soccer, basketball, t-ball, softball, baseball, cross country, track and field. Although they are not CYO, football and lacrosse teams are also available in the local area.

    How much exposure do the children have to computers and how many are in the school?
    Mercy is a 1:1 teaching environment.  Every student, K-8th grade has a Chromebook.  Technology is integrated into all subject areas (power point presentations for language arts reports, video book reports, etc.) All classrooms have interactive white boards. The kindergarten, first and second graders use class sets of color Nooks for reading enrichment activities.

    What type of parent volunteer opportunities are there and is there a required number of volunteer hours for parents?
    Opportunities for parents to become involved: Annual Party, Bingo, Catholic Schools Week, Computer Program, Fathers’ Club, MPTO, Grandparents’ Day, Mercy 5K, Angel Family Program, Father-Daughter Dance, Mother-Son Event, Uniform Exchange, Hot Lunch, etc.

    What high schools do the children typically attend and how well prepared are they?
    High School Admissions Directors tell us that our students are extremely well prepared for high school and every year our students are accepted to the following area Catholic schools: Stone Ridge, Visitation, Holy Child, Holy Cross, Georgetown Prep, Gonzaga, St. John’s, Good Counsel, and The Heights.  Mercy students are consistently accepted to their first choice high schools.

    How long has the school been in existence?
    Established in 1961 by the Sisters of Mercy

    Do you have resources for children with learning disabilities?
    We have resource teachers who provide academic support in lieu of Spanish for children with learning disabilities. Students with learning or developmental delays work with our Resource and Learning Specialists and their program/schedule is modified.  We also have an Educational Extension Program that provides enrichment for students who are identified as academically gifted. Schedules may be modified depending on the program that is offered.