Why Mercy
Here are a few of our favorite reasons . . .
- Mercy fosters the spiritual, academic, social and physical development of students.
- Mercy students attend weekly Mass, receive preparation for sacraments, and are aware of the call to witness Gospel values and serve others
- Mercy is an inclusive environment that recognizes a child’s individual learning needs.
- Mercy provides enrichment opportunities to motivate, challenge and enlighten students.
- Mercy has dedicated faculty who hold advanced degrees, are current in best educational practices and understand the needs of the whole child.
- Mercy has character education integrated in classroom instruction and daily life of the school.
- Mercy offers integrated learning opportunities through the use of current technology and the research process. Importantly, Chromebooks are used during the academic day by all students in Grades 6-8.
- Mercy places emphasis on the writing process in Kindergarten through Grade 8, including a school-wide Writing Portfolio Program
- Mercy encourages parents to be actively involved in their child's education and in Our Lady of Mercy parish.
- Mercy offers a program fostering curiosity and the love of learning to ensure every child reaches his or her potential.