4th grade students practice recorder

Music & Choir

  • Mercy's music program is guided by the Archdiocese of Washington Academic Standards for Music:

    • Standard 1 PERFORMING MUSIC: Singing alone or with others
    • Standard 2 PERFORMING MUSIC: Playing an instrument alone or with others
    • Standard 3 CREATING MUSIC: Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments
    • Standard 4 CREATING MUSIC: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines
    • Standard 5 RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Reading, notating, and interpreting music
    • Standard 6 RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Listening to, analyzing and describing music
    • Standard 7 – RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Evaluating music and music performances
    • Standard 8 – RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts and disciplines outside the arts
    • Standard 9 – RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding music in relation to history and culture

    Students also prepare performances for the Christmas Pageant and Grandparent's Day. The lifelong benefits children obtain through music expand beyond the classroom, and are transferable to every other academic subject.

    In addition to general music classes each week, students may join Mercy's school choir, adding a special element to school Masses and events.  All students, in grades 3-8 are welcome to participate.  No prior singing experience is necessary! The choir rehearses on Tuesday afternoons, after-school.

    Meet Stephanie Lopez - Music Director
    Stephanie Lopez, Mercy’s Music Director, earned a Master of Arts in Music Education from Hunter College and a Bachelor of Music from the University of Miami. Most recently, she worked as Director of Youth Arts for Sing for Hope in New York City. Mrs. Lopez brings a wealth of experience as a teaching artist, theatre instructor, director of service learning, and choral conductor to Mercy's music program.

Instrumental Band

  • The Mercy Instrumental Music Program is an opportunity for elementary and middle school students (4th-8th grade) to learn and improve ensemble skills while also increasing their personal skill level. Students have the opportunity to develop musicianship through musical preparation and performance. The emphasis is on improving performance skills and confidence as a musician with relevant musical history, theory, and techniques discussed and studied in class each week.