Your summer reading requirements may be found on this page. The first document is the summer reading list. I have divided it into Classic Novels and Modern YA Novels. Select one book from each list. If you prefer to read another book, you may select one that is on your reading level; however, you should read one classic novel and one modern YA novel to help strengthen your critical reading and writing skills. If you have any questions or concerns, my contact information is listed below. While I will not be your language arts teacher next year, I will be working with your new teacher, Mrs. Meg Kummer, throughout the year.
Finally, you should start jotting down ideas for your high school essays. Consider people who have influenced you (family, pastors, teachers); academic achievements; personal interests and extracurricular activities; service projects you have participated in; your faith and why you wish to attend the school(s) to which you're applying. Also, take a moment to learn more about the school(s) by visiting their website. The application process begins now!